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Forex Signals Market News by FxPremiere Group sending out Daily Live Market News and Events for the Capital Markets. Look no further for the very best Trading Signals by FxPremiere Group Forex Signals Market News.FX News
The most traded pairs of currencies in the world are called the Majors.EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CHF, NZD/USD and USD/CAD, Gold, Oil and many many more... There are many currencies traded in the forex market. Each currency is then paired along with another making a currency pair. Currencies that are not paired with the US Dollar but consist of the Euro, the UK Pound and Yen are minor pairs. These are the three most traded currencies beside the US dollar. Minor pairs have a smaller market share compared to major pairs. Because of this they can exhibit lower market liquidity. Lower market liquidity will mean that a broker will give wider dealing forex spreads.Live Forex News
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